We have an obligation to act for the benefit of society at large.
Southern Plastic Products Sdn. Bhd. has long recognised the importance of a sustainable environment and we strive to achieve it by all means. Southern Plastic Products Sdn. Bhd. is compliant with the requirements set by the Department of Environment Malaysia. The machines used for our productions are highly efficient and energy saving. Meanwhile, the materials used in our production are environmentally friendly and recyclable. The scheduled waste management in our premise will be handled properly in compliance to the Department of Environment Malaysia by a certified competent person. Southern Plastic Products Sdn. Bhd. targets for continuous improve in accordance to the regulations set by the Department of Environment Malaysia to protect our beautiful environment.

Corporate Responsibility Statement
As a highly regarded leader in the packaging industry, Southern Plastic Products’ recognizes its obligations to act responsibly, ethically and with integrity in its dealings with customers, suppliers, employees, neighbors and the environment as a whole.
We strongly believe that integrity is a prerequisite for a successful and sustained business relationship. We operate a highly effective and efficient organization, focused on meeting customer objectives. Our aim is to offer products and value added services which result in cost savings, consistent quality and reliability.
At Southern Plastic Products’, we strive to develop relationships and improve networking with business partners and suppliers based on mutual trust. We believe that one of our major strengths is our approach to build alliances and partnerships with suppliers. We are a value added extension of our partners and thus we require our partners to conduct business in an ethical manner.
Our success as an industry leading packaging supplier is based on our knowledgeable and dedicated team of experts. We have sought out to recruit, retain, reward and develop the best creative talent in the industry. We continually seek to improve our knowledge and ability to support our customers through training our leaders on new packaging trends and innovations. As a result, Southern Plastic Products’ is also proud to be one of the few companies who can boast that many of its current employees have tenure in excess of ten years!
Southern Plastic Products’ understands the importance of giving back to the community through socially responsible objectives.
Southern Plastic Products’ understands the importance of giving back to the community through socially responsible objectives.